Certain people may be at greater risk of vitamin D insufficiency or deficiency. Patients who have low / no exposure to sunlight.2
Vitamin D is synthesised in the skin upon exposure to sunlight containing sufficient ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation and this is the main source for most people.2
Patients with dark skin tones.2
The pigment melanin, which gives skin its brown or black colour, absorbs UV radiation.2
Patients who are over 65.3
The metabolism of vitamin D and calcium becomes more complex with age. Older people have less 7-dehydrocholesterol, which reduces their capacity to produce vitamin D.3
Patients who are overweight.3
Vitamin D is stored in fat cells, but this source is not readily available as it cannot be released until the fat cells are broken down.3
Patients who are vegetarian or vegan.4
A study found that, in the UK, plasma 25(OH)D concentrations were lower in vegetarians and vegans than in meat and fish eaters.4